Faith Tote Bag
When Faith moves mountains, the title of this art refers to a popular tale, beginning and ending with a fable-like tale and its optimistic moral. Moving a mountain with just your hands is not just about willpower, nor just about physically exerting labor; first and foremost, about faith. The artwork resembles a fairy tale: The image tracking across the screen starts at the exact moment when the creative artist is searching for a suitable mountain to work on. The tuteo is the tool used to lift the mountain, to make it easier to transfer it from the artist’s hand to the ground.
From here the story progresses as the tuteo is transformed by the intervention of the Mother of All Tools, the Earth itself, in order to create a work of art, which eventually pushes Faith towards something like a utopia. The Sand Dune Tote Bag captures this transformation very well: from the simple image of a palm tree to the bag full of sand (which can also represent the earth), and finally to the sand dune itself. This dune is symbolic for the dunes found in Middle Earth, representing the desolate places between the world’s major continents. The sand dunes are a place of ultimate desolation: desolate, inhospitable, and populated only by creatures (including gargantuan ants) with no sense of direction or purpose. This is the perfect symbol of to achieve utopia, of leaving behind the cradles of concrete and of moving on towards something better.
The sand dune itself, as depicted by the sand bag, is a representation of motion. It grows inwards, until it reaches a certain point where it starts to expand again, becoming a ball form, like a football, which then starts rolling on its way. Faith uses the same image in the cover of her album (and the cover of her video for ‘Waterfront’) as well as in her song ‘Waterfront’, where she talks about the need to leave a mark as we leave our mark on the world around us: whether that be on a beautiful water body, a beautiful place, a breath that carries, an act of Creation. In both songs, Faith chooses to take the image of a shovel and turn it into something beautiful.