The Pegasus Tote Bag is one of the handbags that have been made to order by its manufacturer, Thierry Pepin. It is a long, elegant bag that many people agree is quite classy and stylish for casual or professional use. The great thing about this particular bag is that it comes in almost every color imaginable. This means that if you want to get one in a certain color, it is quite easy to do.
It can be said that this bag is great for both work and pleasure because it is functional as well as fashionable. If you are going to be out on the town and you want to look your best, then this is the bag that you will want to bring with you. For business occasions, you can use it to carry your laptop and for social events, you can throw in the Pegasus Tote Bag and let people know you are coming with a great sense of style.
One of the most unique things about the Pegasus Tote Bag is that the straps are detachable. This means that no matter what you are doing, you can put the bag on your shoulder and move around town in style. It is also made of fine quality leather, which gives it an additional look of style. The only negative about the bag is the fact that it is a little bit expensive, which is understandable when you consider it. However, if you look around at other bags that are less expensive, then it is certainly possible that you can save money and get a better looking bag overall.